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Bedtime Bliss: 3 Easy Steps for a Stress- Free Morning with kids

Are you tired of the chaos and stress that comes with trying to get your kids ready for school in the morning? Do you find yourself rushing around, trying to get everyone dressed, fed, and out the door on time, only to be met with resistance and slow-moving children? As a parent, we all know the struggle of dealing with sleepy, uncooperative kids in the morning. But what if I told you that there's a way to make your mornings smoother and stress-free? By prepping the night before and creating a simple routine, you can set yourself up for success and make your life easier in the long run. In this post,

I'll share my top 3 easy tips on how to get ready at night to have a stress-free morning with your kids.

Tip #1 - Lay out clothes and pack backpacks

Before you head to bed, take a few minutes to lay out your kids' clothes for the next day. From the shirt all the way down to the socks and shoes so there is no guessing. Also pack their backpacks with everything they need. This way, you won't waste time searching for lost shoes or missing homework in the morning. Be sure to check the weather, this way there is no switching outfits if the weather turn's. If you live in New York like us its always unpredictable. Every night I say, Alexa what's tomorrows weather. What's easier than that! Even easier, if your children wear a uniform to school you can definitely simplify the morning routine. It takes away the guesswork of what to wear and helps to ensure that your kids are dressed appropriately for the day. You can also involve your kids in this process to teach them responsibility and independence.

Tip #2 - Prep breakfast, lunch or snacks

Another way to save time in the morning is to prep breakfast and lunch the night before. Whether it's packing sandwiches, portioning out snacks, or prepping smoothie ingredients, every little bit helps. Be sure to involve your kids in this process to teach them about healthy eating and nutrition. This will be a fun task for them. They will be excited to make their own decisions which also promotes independence.

Make sure to keep the snacks in a place that is easily accessible. Keeping snacks in an easily accessible place can definitely make mornings go more smoothly, especially if your kids are hungry or forgetful in the morning. You could designate a special shelf or drawer in the pantry or refrigerator for snack items, or have a small basket of snacks on the counter or table.

Tip #3 - Be consistent with the bedtime

Last but definitely not least my favorite, being consistent with the bedtime. Consistency with bedtime is key for helping kids establish healthy sleep habits and ensuring they get enough rest each night. It can also make your life as a parent easier by giving you a set schedule and some downtime in the evening to recharge. When setting a bedtime routine for your kids, consider factors like their age, natural sleep patterns, and the amount of sleep recommended for their age group. And don't forget to stick to the routine on weekends and holidays, too! As a mom of twins there's a joy in knowing that they understand & respect the bedtime schedule. I also know they will be well rested for whatever the next day brings. It also makes them better sleepers for their adult life.

If it's stress-free then it's for me!

Remember, taking a few simple steps at night can help you and your kids have a stress-free morning and start the day off on the right foot. From laying out clothes to packing bags and prepping breakfast, a little bit of planning can go a long way in streamlining your morning routine. And if you're feeling overwhelmed with the task of organizing your home and life, don't forget to take advantage of the organizing services offered on my website. As a professional organizer, I'm here to help you create a clutter-free and stress-free environment, so you can focus on the things that really matter. Thank you for reading, and I hope these tips help you and your family have a great morning!

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